After all the things I have done...or decided in my life, I think some people might describe me as reckless. Or perhaps flighty. After all, I spent 9 years studying and working as an engineer..and now I'm studying and working to be an English teacher. But okay, despite the career switch, I think there are many things that even my closest friends would shake their heads at.
I don't know why, but I somehow find myself having to justify or explain my reasoning in this blog. I'm kinda lazy to do it in real life, because there are probably too many people to do so. Writing it here, would help me to recall back to the incidents and go...oh..that's right. So yes, back to why all the 'recklessness?' Once again, it's back to my theory, life is short! We seriously have no clue as to how long we are meant to be on earth for. I don't want to be in the last few days of my life and think back on everything that i've done...and have any regrets. I want to look back on days gone by and smile or laugh at everything that occurred. Sure, I'd probably cringe at a few, probably because of how silly I was or how embarrassing they might have been. But, at least I tried, that's more important.
I believe in seizing the opportunity or moment as they come. I can't keep thinking, I'll save that for tomorrow...I'll see that person or tell him/her tomorrow... I'll do that another day. What if tomorrow never comes? What if that is the last time you'll see that person? What if that opportunity never comes around again? Then you'd feel really bad that you didn't do it right when you thought of it. Sometimes we tend to overthink things and end up not making a move. Why? Because we are afraid of how we might come across, or how others view us. I say, screw all that and if you want to do something, just do it!
Even though people think that I just jump into things sometimes, I don't. I am actually someone who does think a lot about things...weighing it out carefully..considering the pros and cons...costs etc. But nowadays, I'm slowly changing to be more....impulsive or relaxed. These days, my main thought process is, if I do this...will I regret it? If I don't do this, will I regret for not taking the chance? Will I keep thinking about it? After I've answered all these, then I'll either do it or not. I'll deal with the consequences later when they come. Sometimes you just have to go with your gut feel. The brain is meant to be logical...but the heart can be stronger.
I think these pictures kinda sum it up....

1 comment:
A person that willing to make decision , to change, to try need most courage than those who only know nothing but comment others but not themselves.
There is no failure nor success in life, but only memories and experience which fail to killed us but make us stronger.
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