Monday, August 07, 2006

Few thousands words for u

Pics tell a thousand words rite? So here are a few pics:

Few weeks ago, my bro & his classmates met Kenny Sia at Rainforest Music Fest...then who knew......

It was just a week after, I was at Bing with a bunch of my girl friends and then...
Friend A: "Eh, is that Kenny Sia?"
*Since my back is to the guy, I quickly turn around and check*
Me: "Noler, he doesn't look like in his blog ler.."
Friend B & C: "Who's Kenny Sia?" *sweatdrops*

Friend A and I then proceed to explain and we still weren't sure if it was Kenny, coz the guy was wearing specs....
Friend A: "Do you want to go ask if he's Kenny Sia?"
What if we're wrong? Then si beh sia xuey larrr"
Friend B:
"If you guys r going to ask n ur wrong..I'm going to pretend I don't know u" *Gee..thx a lot! Lolz*
Friend C: "Do you think he's blogging now?" coz the guy was using his laptop
Friend B: "Yeah, and he'll blog how this bunch of gals were at Bing with him and giggling about him"
Friend A:
"Okay, we'll just ask him when we leave. At least won't b so bad if we're wrong"

And so, when we got up to leave, we had to pass him on the way to the entrance. As the 'appointed' person to ask, i went
Me:"Errrrr...s'cuse me, but er..are u Kenny Sia?"
Guy wit
h a sheepish grin : "Er...yeah..."
"Oh, we read ur blog a lot" Kenny: "Thanks!"
*awkward & rather long pause*
Friend A: "Erm..can we take a pic with u?"
So i go first and pose with him, but unfortunately, first one had my friend's finger partly covering it, so took another one which turned out fine.

Then came Friend A, since the others din read his blog and didn't want to take a pic. Just as we pressed the shutter button, she went "STOP!!" We all groaned and poor Kenny was confused. You see, she's picky about how she takes pics. So, after adjusting herself and Kenny re-smiling, voila, a perfect pic! In conclusion, Kenny seems more shy in person than what we read on the blog. Guess this is in line with what he once bout not being same in reality as his blog personality. Seemed to be a bit under the weather too. (And no, he didn't blog about us.)

Now for some random pics!

"Oooooo, nice phone sexy lady have"
Yoda trying to 'kao' a Jap Corina-lookalike, from some Japanese hp advert

*deep metallic breathing* "Most impressive. Can I access the Force with it?"

Eeeeekkss!! The Gremlins have returned!'s just a Pekingese with one eye. They actually look more like walking carpets to me.

Lil baby Gremlins/Pekingese

WARNING, food pics ahead! Currently have cravings for these:

Elephant's Peach and Banana Smoothie

Bla Bla Bla's food! Pictured is their soft shell crab with the addictive salad :P

The Junk/Bla^3'S lamb : This is their lamb slices with mushrooms, but I highly recommend their lamb shank....YUMM!

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